North America Dispatch #6: Atlantic City Means "Coors"
I stayed at an Atlantic City casino, and the experience was pretty repulsive. I’m too traumatized to even rant about it. Just avoid the experience if you can. (One interesting note: I spotted “single-deck blackjack” tables. How on earth do they manage that without being beset by card counters?)
Nice nighttime view from the marina, though:
Aversa’s Italian Bakery (3101 Brigantine Boulevard, Brigantine, New Jersey; 609-264-8880) has real good sticky buns. Thanks to Peter Genovese (of the Newark Star-Ledger) for the tip.
MP3 file | Listen to the first podcast. |

At Tony’s Baltimore Grill (2800 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey; 609-345-5766), the sausage pizza slayed me. Sobs of grateful appreciation to Peter Genovese for the tip.
I asked the rough-looking, pot-bellied bartender, “Is your sausage pizza as good as I’ve heard?” His reply: “When I took this gig, I weighed 150 pounds!” Another customer piped up and said he’d been coming here for 30 years and it still tastes precisely the same now as it did then. The bartender added, “Yup, that’s because we’re still working off the same hunk of dough …”
The bar has lots of gritty 1950s Atlantic City charm, and the only beer on tap is Coors Light. I was resigned to poor-quality suds but nonetheless asked the bartender what he had in bottles. He told me he had “everything.” I asked if he carried Westmalle Trappist Tripel, and he said, “No, but I do have Hoegaarden.” Touché! He even pronounced it the correct way (“HOO-harten”), which almost nobody this side of Belgium does. This touch (along with the excellent Belgian white beer) was the capper on a lunch of intense, memorable pleasure.
MP3 file | Hear podcast 2 (and note that I misspoke: Mack & Manco Pizza is in Ocean City, not Atlantic City). |

Then on to Ocean City, New Jersey, a totally pleasant place. It’s as if a genie conjured up the summer of your false nostalgia.
There’s a nice boardwalk, surprisingly well stocked with decent-looking food choices.
Best option on the section of boardwalk I scoped out is Mack & Manco Pizza (758 Boardwalk, Ocean City, New Jersey; 609-399-2783). It’s no artisanal pizza, but the buttery cheese is irresistible, and balances have been beautifully worked out over the decades. Time-machine pizza, indeed.
In the case of Kohr Bros. Frozen Custard (Seventh & Boardwalk, Ocean City, New Jersey; 609-399-6327), the years seem to have brought more corner-cutting than refinement. It’s OK, mindless custard, nothing more. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you …
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Re card counting: the single deck places often deal only one or two hands
from each deck before shuffling and have various other unadvantageous
house rules (restricted doubling, hit on soft 17, etc.).
The sausage pizza and white ale report is making me hungry.
Chuckles the Clone Sep 16, 2006 03:09PM
If you try the pizza, please report back on our Midatlantic message board. Disagreeing with me is always encouraged!
Jim Leff Sep 20, 2006 01:03PM
Jim - Mack and Manco's is in fact an OC touchstone; everyone loves it. Truth is...I don't think it is very good pizza (I'll probably be turned away at the OC bridge now). It's very two boots - with the corn meal and the spicy tomato..not very authentic.
Believe it or not, the Pizza at the OC boardwalk foodcourt is some of the best new world pizza I have had. They cook it til the crust is well done, the cheese is not salty at and the ingredients are all pretty well in proportion. All and all the quality reminds me of the "pizza al taglio" I ate growing up in Italy. Very under the radar.
bucket hat loren Oct 16, 2006 02:42PM
Took the trek to Tony's Baltimore last weekend when I was down for my brother's 21st birthday... The flavor of the pie was great, unfortunately their stone was too hot, and the crust was a little underdone. Can't beat the local patrons and waitresses, after that wanna-be-vegas (which is fast becomming wanna-be-disney) casino atmosphere.
eventi Nov 19, 2006 10:23AM
can anyone tell me where to get a jewish corn rye bread in baltimore md or wash dc area? my dad would love this.
sreichlyn Sep 05, 2007 07:28PM