Jim's Email Exchange With Quisp.
The following is a real, unexpurgated account
of an email exchange with Quisp...himself!

Note: you, too, can email Quisp!


From: Jim Leff

I want a Quisp watch. I want it bad. Buffalo's a long way away. I hear you're 
test marketing in Albany, too. That's only like a 3 hour drive for me. Can you 
tell me what stores there might have it? Please?

I've dreamed of Quisp for 20 years. I thought I'd never find it again. So 
close. So close.

Age: 34
Sex: male
Number of Children: -0

Number of Times You Say Quisp in an Average Decade: dozens

Favorite Cereals:  
Parade brand corn flakes
Rice Chex
Banana Nut Crunch
Jordan's Crunchy (England)
memories of yummy Quisp


From:     Quisp@quakeroats.com
Subject:  RE: Quisp Question

In 1965, Quisp arrived from Planet Q with 12 billion boxes of cereal.
Since good things don't last forever we sent Quisp back to restock.
Luckily for earthlings, Quisp has returned from Planet Q (70 billion
light years away) this year with a second load.

Quisp found parking at several distributors in NY --

Tops Markets                   Buffalo, Ny
Fleming-Buffalo Div.           Cheektowaga, Ny
Quality Markets, Inc.          Jamestown, Ny
Olean Whol. Grocery            Olean, Ny
Wegmans Food Markets           Rochester, Ny
The Golub Corp.                Schenectady, Ny
P.C. Food Markets,             Stiles, Ny
Scheidelman, Inc.              Utica, Ny

Quaker distributes Quisp cereal for Quisp, but Quaker doesn't sell
direct to stores so we cannot provide specific store names or locations.

May the "Quazy Energy" be with you!


then, two months later...


From:    Jim Leff big-dog@chowhound.com
To:      Quisp@quakeroats.com
Subject: Please Help!!

Hi, Quisp

After much persuasion, I had a friend of a friend trek out to a supermarket in 
Schenectady, NY in search of your delicious golden flying saucers of sweet 
crunchy corn.

But alas, the box he found there had no Quisp wristwatch offer on it. I'd heard 
that this watch is the hippest of hip, and I want one very badly. Is it 
possible that the watch is only offered on Milwaukee/Chicago Quisp boxes? If 
so, I'll fly out there; ANYTHING.

please, oh propeller-beanied space tummeler, hear my plea and tell me where 
I can find myself a box with the ultracool Quisp watch offer.

your fan,


ps--I voted for you, if that makes any difference


From:   Quisp@quakeroats.com

Where are you located?

I'm not surprised you voted for me - I won hands down!


From: Jim Leff big-dog@chowhound.com

"Where are you located? I'm not surprised you voted for me - I won hands down!"

I know you won. But then Quaker nixed you anyway. Other than possibly the 
Snapple acquisition, it was the worst error the company ever made.

I'm in New York City. I want a Quisp watch. I want it badly. Please, Quisp, 
tell me where the boxes with the watch offer are being sold. They're not in 
upstate New York...is the offer good only for Milwaukee/Chicago Quisp? (I 
wanna get watches for my little nieces also, so I'm gonna need to buy like four 
boxes, I guess)

Wow, what a thrill...to get email from Quisp. It's better than Santa...

You wanna go out for a beer sometime?



From:   Quisp@quakeroats.com

"Other than possibly the Snapple acquisition, it was the worst error the 
company ever made"


Good things don't last forever - I went back to Planet Q (70 billion
light years away) to re-load my space hauler with more boxes of Quisp.
Luckily for earthlings, I'm back!

"Please, Quisp, tell me where the boxes with the watch offer are being sold. 
They're not in upstate New York...is the offer good only for Milwaukee/Chicago 

The retro boxes with the watch offer are available.  Unfortunately, as 
difficult as parking is, I couldn't find enough spots together to park my space 
hauler in metropolitan New York. I did find parking at several distributors in 
NY --

Tops Markets                 Buffalo, Ny
Quality Markets, Inc.        Jamestown, Ny
Wegmans Food Markets         Rochester, Ny
The Golub Corp.              Schenectady, Ny
P.C. Food Markets, Inc.      Stiles, Ny
Scheidelman, Inc.            Utica, Ny

"Wow, what a thrill...to get email from Quisp. It's better than Santa..."

Gee, thanks!

"You wanna go out for a beer sometime?"

I'm only 578 years old which is still 422 years underage by Q-tian law. 
Thanks, anyway.



From: Jim Leff big-dog@chowhound.com


yeah yeah yeah, "park my space hauler", etc etc

You know, I've kind of decided you're not actually Quisp, but one of Quisp's 

But know what? Your own stuff ("I'm 153 years underage for a beer", etc) is a 
lot better than the plug-in material. You should consider going off on your 
own, maybe get your own cereal. I'll back you 100% if you do...how about 
"Quatz, the Cosmic Customer Service Rep"?

my best to Quisp, if you see him

many thanks,



no reply


A couple of years later, I reinitiated my conversation with Quisp (or perhaps 
I should say "Quisp") when I saw that the Quisp website was running a vote 
to determine the next promotional toy. Betrayed as a child by Quaker's 
Quisp vs Quake vote, I decided not to take it lying down this time (note: 
"Quaker's Sweet Crunch" is the company's generically bagged cereal that looks 
and tastes suspiciously like Quisp)


From: Jim Leff big-dog@chowhound.com
To: Quisp@quakeroats.com
Subject: Quisp Question
Date: Monday, February 15, 1999 11:19PM

Quisp! Listen, you remember how Lucy kept trying to get Charlie Brown to
kick the football, and she'd pull it away at the last minute every time?
That's how I feel with this vote.

I mean, first there was the big Quisp vs. Quake election, a pivotal event of
my youth. You won (thanks, in no small measure, to my campaign efforts on
your behalf at the Vanderbilt Elementary School), they got rid of Quake (he
was lame ever since his makeover anyway, IMO), and then they pulled the rug
out of under me and cancelled YOU as well. Sure, now I'm 36 and I can drive to 
like Milwaukee or God knows where to by Quisp, but that's too little too late, 
know what I'm sayin'?

Now you've done your big Quisp Promo election. Well, listen, buddy...I didn't
vote. Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice FAGGEDDABOUDDIT

No more elections for me. Your handlers at Quaker can't be trusted.

Still your fan, though,

Age: 36
Sex: male
Number of Children: 0

Number of Times You Say Quisp in an Average Decade: 245

Favorite Cereals:
  Quisp (going on memory here)
  Corn Bran
  Corn Flakes (Parade brand)
  Post Banana Nut Crunch
  Oatmeal (if hot cereals count)


From:   Quisp@quakeroats.com


So you stuffed the ballot boxes and rigged the vote in '72?  I assumed any
voting irregularities were the result of Quake and his kronies from the
miners' union.  I, Quisp, won the election despite these underhanded
tactics!   As for my space junk, I received a gazillion votes already, so
don't be a spoil sport and stay tuned to my web site for future offers.

The following distributors carry my quispy, quunchy cereal --

Product Description   State City           Customer

Quisp Cereal          NY Olean, Ny         Olean Whol. Grocery Co-Op Inc
Quisp Cereal          NY Schenectady, Ny   Golub Corporation 

May the "Quazy Energy" be with you!

Your pal,


From:   Jim Leff (big-dog@chowhound.com)

"I assumed any voting irregularities were the result of Quake and his 
kronies from the miners' union"

I hear you. But, you know, if Quake had remained a miner, he would have kept 
more popularity (and given you a greater run for the money in the election). 
Back in the old days, Quake was cool; he had cojones. Then he was given that 
sissified makeover into Suave Intercosmic SuperHero With Wavy Hair, and his 
cereal (let's be honest...really just glorified Captain Crunch sans 
crunchberries) alone couldn't cut it. I mean, when he was a cool gnarly miner, 
bashing through rock with outstretched fist, THAT was a different story.

"As for my space junk, I received a gazillion votes already"

sure, doubtless from those who don't remember Quaker's betrayal of The Faithful 
back in the 60's. We voted for Quisp, then Quake was cancelled, then, shortly 
after, Quisp was quietly laid to rest. Nice. Anyway, this is how I know you're 
not really Quisp; Quisp is PISSED. Quisp is not doing PR, Quisp is not 
answering email for Quaker. 

Sure, he's doing business with you guys once more, because the export biz from 
Planet Q to Earth is potentially lucrative for him. But you start pulling back 
distribution again, and you're likely to bring down some sort of interstellar 
apocalypse on our entire planet.

Hey, did the watch offer expire yet? Mine broke (I'd suggest using quartz 
movement next time; quazy energy alone is apparently not enough to power a 
watch in the long run)...I wish I could buy another.

"May the "Quazy Energy" be with you!"

Right back atcha!


ps--The very existence of "Quaker Sweet Crunch" is incredibly cynical and 
depressing to those of us caught up in your marketing campaign. Can you guys do 
something about that? I mean, Keebler isn't selling elf-less chocolate chip 
cookies as a side brand, y'know? 


From:   Quisp@quakeroats.com

Greetings again!

About Quake, I do not speak with him, but suggest that you enjoy my quazy
energy cereal and do not worry about being distracted by subterranean busybodies.

My Quazy Quisp Watch Offer has been extended - you can send for the watch
through the end of the year (1999.)

As for that bagged cereal, scientifically, the formulation is very similar,
however, spiritually they are quite far apart as the atmosphere on planet Q
seems to add a quazy energy element found nowhere else in the universe.



From:   Jim Leff big-dog@chowhound.com

"As for that bagged cereal, scientifically, the formulation is very similar,
however, spiritually they are quite far apart as the atmosphere on planet Q
seems to add a quazy energy element found nowhere else in the universe."

Hey, Quisp, you know something? You write an awful lot like I do! If the 
import/export thing doesn't work out for you, maybe I can offer you a job 
reviewing for chowhound.com. Keep in touch, ok?



Awaiting reply (stay tuned!)


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