Filipino Food Glossary

Adobo: a rich, dark, well-marinated stew of chicken or pork, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and peppercorns, bay leaf. A good adobo is said to last a week without refrigeration.In Spanish cuisine, adobo refers to a pickling sauce made with olive oil, vinegar, garlic, thyme, bay leaf, oregano, paprika and salt.

Ampalaya (Tagalog) or Amargozo (Aklanon): Chinese bitter melon or bitter gourd, rich in iron.

Apritada: a tart tomato sauce

Atsara: a chutney-like vegetable preserve

Atsuwete: Annatto oil

Baalut: take a fertilized duck or chicken egg, bury it in the ground for a few weeks

Baboy: pork

Bagnet: fried pork belly, a delicacy in The mountainous Cordillera region.

Bagoong: a fish paste

Baka: beef: beef ribs

Balayan: anchovy sauce

Bangus: the bony but prized milkfish

Batchoy: pork organ stew

Biko: a sweet and sticky rice

Bulalo: a Bisayan soup with veg's and pork liver, intestines, etc], spices, topped with crushed pork skin crackles

Callos: Ox tripe

Chicharong bulaklak: it means pork intestines fried very crisp, goes well with dip of vinegar, salt, diced/crushed garlic

Daing Na Bangus: Milk fish in garlic a fine textured fish

Dinakdakan: Pig's Ears and Tongue in Pig's Brain

Dinuguan: a stew made with pork blood and flavored with whole hot peppers, livery tasting

Embutido: Pork Roll

Filipino Breakfast: traditionally fried rice, longaniza (native sausage) and dried and salted fish. Together with the tomatoes and patis (fish sauce)

Ginataan: a method of cooking with coconut milk, common in Southeast Asia. Filipino way is much simpler because coconut flavor is not overwhelmed by spices. Seafoods, poutlry, other meat/vegs cooked with cocnut milk and garlic, onions, ginger, chilis and lemongrass.

Ginisang monggo: Mung Beans with pork, contains ampalaya tops

Halo-halo: literally, mix-mix. cubed sweet potato, cut up bananas and jackfruit, some red beans, some ube jam (a gluitnous yam), ice cream, whatever else you want to put in, shaved ice, milk, and sugar, and there you have it.

Humba: soy and sugar flavoured braised pork belly served with hard boiled eggs . The Visayas region

Inihaw na Talong: broiled eggplant with chopped tomato, onions and bagoong

Inihaw: broiled

Kalamansi: the local lemon

Kaldereta: casserole (often a goat stew)

Kare-kare: meaty oxtail stew with pieces of tender tripe and vegetables in peanut sauce served with bagoong, eat with rice

Kinilaw: raw fish marinated in a spicy vinegar dressing from Visayas region.

Labuyo: the fiery native pepper

Laing: Taro leaves cooked in coconut milk

Leche flan to the brazos: custard wrapped in meringue.

Lechon Kawali: pan-fried Roast Pork

Lechon: roasted whole pig

Lomi: A noodle soup with a thick and rich broth, often containing pork, liver, and vegetables.

Lumpia: fresh (lumpiang sariwa) are like crepes (rice/egg pastry) filled with Chinese vegetables and topped with peanut sauce. fried (lumpiang Shanghai ) are small spring rolls, rice pastry filled with ground beef or pork. Fried lumpias are basically the fresh variety, deep fried. a Chinese-inspired vegetable snack much like the poh-pia of Singapore and Malaysia, and the khan-pyan of Burma. Generally, a mixture of vegetables or meat wrapped in delicate egg wrapper. There are four kinds: lumpiang Shanghai (mixture of pork and spices, served as appetizer), lumpiang labong (made of tender bamboo shoots), lumpia with peanuts, and lumpiang sariwa (made mostly of vegetables). They're dipped in a sauce that consists simply of crushed garlic and vinegar.

Maliputo: sweet fish found in deep-water lakes.

Minatamis Na Saging: Sweetened bananas,

Monok: chicken

Palabok: rice vermicelli

Palitaw: dainty poached rice cakes rolled with grated coconut, sugar and sesame seeds. Palitaw means "float and sink," The ground glutinous rice dough for Palitaw sinks in boiling water and floats when cooked. Its fried version is Pilipit Bulacan (Sweetened ground rice).

Pancit: Sauteed noodles with vegetables, sausage, and shrimp. Can use bihon (rice noodles), Canton (flour noodles), sotanghon (soybean noodles), or miki (fresh egg noodles, pronounce "mee-kee"). Incomplete without a squirt or two of fresh kalamansi. pancit miki.

Pata : pig knuckles

Patis: fish sauce

Pili nut brittle: a crunchy sweet made with the luscious pili nuts found only in the Bicol region

Pinakbet: similar to ratatouille: vegetables sauteed with pork and bagoong, or a sautˇed mixture of fresh vegetables (squash, eggplant, string beans and amplaya) in bagoong. mainstay in the Ilocos region

Pinapaitan: Beef Tripe, Beef Sirloin in Beef Bile

Pusit: dried squid

Relleno: boned and stuffed chicken or fish Central Luzon region

Rellenong Manok: a whole chicken, deboned and stuffed with a mixture of ground chicken, pork and ham, plus whole sausages and hard-boiled eggs.

Sago: tapioca, served like halo-halo or in water with molasses as a special drink,

Siapao: steamed bread.

Sinigang: lightly boiled fish in a sour stock with vegetables and fish sauce. Considered the most representative dish of the Filipino, the sinigang is a slightly sour soup with broth the color of peach, comparable to the French boullabaise. There are no fixed ingredients. Fish, shrimp, or meat, any kind of vegetable, as many as you wish, all according to your tastes. The broth is soured not by using vinegar, which is considered unimaginative, but by using the fruits and leaves of sour plants.

Sinilaban Na Baka: Charbroiled beef marinated with a mixture of chillies and calamansi juice

Sinugba: grilled mixed platters, The Visayas region

Sisig: grilled pig cheeks & ears, chopped w/chicken liver, onions, chili &pepperserved on sizzling plate. popular in flatlands

Tinola: fish or chicken soup with ginger The Visayas region

Ukoy at Camarones: deep-fried vegetables and prawn fritters.

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